• Florida: 'Move Over' Law now Protects Sanitation and Utility Workers

    Since 2002, Florida drivers have been "Moving Over." The law basically states whenever a law enforcement or emergency vehicle is pulled off to the side of the road, drivers need to take certain actions. In July, Governor Rick Scott added sanitation and utility service vehicles to the statute.

  • Mississippi: Police Say Obey the Law, Move Over when Passing Traffic Stops

    Law enforcement officers say everyday they face many dangers on the job, but one they shouldn't have to worry about is being struck by a passing car while they're making a traffic stop. So Gulfport police have launched a campaign to raise awareness about Mississippi's Move Over Law.

  • Colorado: Two Civilian Fatalities Bring Attention to Colorado's Move Over Law

    Two Grand Valley men lost their lives in an auto-pedestrian crash on I-70 just outside of Parachute early Thursday morning. This tragedy has many in the community looking closely at Colorado's Move Over Law. Timothy Randall, 30, of Grand Junction and David Moore,19, of Clifton both lost their lives after being struck by a vehicle on the side of road when assisting a cattle hauler with a flat tire.

  • Iowa: Move Over, Slow Down, and Save Lives

    Iowa law requires motorists to move into a lane not adjacent to emergency, recovery and maintenance vehicles when lights are flashing. If that’s not possible, motorists are supposed to slow down, reducing their speed to less than the speed limit.

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