Roadway Safety Teaching Topic Packages for Instructors
These Roadway Safety Teaching Topic Packages will assist instructors in teaching critical roadway safety and traffic incident management to responders from all agencies. All content follows recommended policies and practices and is consistent with the National TIM Training from the Federal Highway Administration and the training available on the Responder Safety Learning Network.
Instructors are free to teach these lessons in whatever way they see fit: as self-contained units, integrated into operations, as full classes or as refresher or as quick reminders during roll call. All content is customizable to your department, agency, or class.

Each Package includes:
- a lesson plan with a pre-class assignment, materials, learning objectives, teaching content, practical and tabletop exercises, resources, and case studies
- a "TIM in a Minute" video summarizing major concepts in the lesson
- a PowerPoint presentation for teaching key content from the lesson
- model SOPs appropriate to the lesson plan
Packages are available for:
Setting Up a Traffic Incident Management Area
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptx | Safety Apparel SOP | Safe Positioning SOP | Advance Warning & Transition Areas SOPPPE & Emergency Lighting
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptx | SOPs.docAdvance Warning
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptx | SOPs.docBlocking
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptx | SOPs.doc | Sample Tabletop MapsMove It or Work It
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptxScene Control
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptxManual Traffic Control
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptx | SOPs.docTermination
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptxVehicle Fires
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptxTIM for the Next Generation
Download: .zip of all files | Lesson Plan PDF | TIM in a Minute video.mp4 | Presentation.pptx | Safety Apparel SOP | Safe Positioning SOP | Advance Warning & Transition Areas SOPTraffic Incident Management in the Wildland Urban Interface
Download: .zip of all files | Training Program Guidelines | Project Report | Training Module | Roadway Safety Short | Cue Card 1 | Cue Card 2 | Presentation Part 1 | Presentation Part 2 encourages all instructors to review and try these Roadway Safety Teaching Topic Packages and then give us your feedback using our Contact form. We want to hear your comments so we can improve how we support instructors doing the hard work every day teaching our responders how to work safely on the roadway.
The CVVFA/ERSI partnered with ADTSEA to create videos and classroom materials for driver educators to teach how to safely encounter emergency scenes on the roadway. These materials are available to driver educators on