
This section allows you to download safety resources compiled by To see the resources for a given category, select that category. On the list of results, download the resource by clicking on its title. Some resources are in PDF format and require a reader. Download Acrobat Reader here. Below is a description of each category for your reference.

These resources are provided for you to freely use and distribute, provided you include the following credit "Source: CVVFA Emergency Responder Safety Institute ResponderSafety.Com." Any distribution of these resources must be done free of charge and condition. By downloading any of these resources, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to these terms.

Advance Warning

These Resources provide you with information on Advance Warning equipment and protocols, including traffic control devices, their deployment, and SOPs/SOGs. Please note that a module on Advance Warning is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

Behavioral Health

These Resources discuss behavioral health (mental health) and wellness issues for emergency responders.

Blocking / Safe Positioning

The Resources in this category provide guidance on the use of vehicles to block the activity area and thus protect emergency responders and victims during an incident response on the roadways. In addition, how to safely position other vehicles in the temporary traffic control zone may be covered. Please note that a module on Blocking Procedures at Roadway Incidents is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

Distracted Driving

The Resources in this category provide public education materials to combat distracted driving.

High Visibility PPE

The Resources in this category offer information on high visibility personal protective equipment, such as garments, vests, helmets and gloves.

Highway Lane Designations

These Resources explain the numbering and nomenclature of highway lane designations.

Incident Command System (ICS) & NIMS

The Resources in this category make the connection between NIMS/ICS and traffic incident management, following the unified command paradigm and integrating with the work of traffic incident management and planning bodies. Please note that a module on The National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

Law Enforcement

These Resources focus on safety in roadway incident response for law enforcement, particularly with regard to traffic incident management. Please note that training modules for law enforcement are available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

Line of Duty Deaths (LODD)

These Resources report data and/or discuss some aspect of line of duty deaths of responders working on the roadway.

National Unified Goal

These Resources detail the National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management, which is a national policy that encourages state and local transportation and public safety agencies to adopt unified, multi-disciplinary policies, procedures and practices that will improve the way traffic incidents are managed on U.S. roadways. Please note that a module on The National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

Professional Qualifications / Performance Standard

These Resources explain the professional qualifications and performance standards for traffic control officers, emergency responders who work on the highway, and traffic incident management professionals. Please note that modules on Fire Service Traffic Control are available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

Public Education

Resources to help educate the general public about Slow Down Move Over laws, protecting emergency responders, and how to react to emergency vehicles at roadway incidents.


These Resources are official reports related to traffic incident management issues that are published by agencies, departments and organizations representing a variety of emergency responder, traffic, transportation, and related disciplines.

Safety Education Materials

These Resources, such as posters, handouts, and charts can be used in your educational campaigns. Both resources for public education and for education of other responders are included below.

Slow Down, Move Over Laws

These Resources summarize the content and status of “Slow Down, Move Over” Laws in the United States.

SOP's / SOG's

The Resources below are model Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG’s) for your organization to consult when determining what protocols you will adopt and how to codify them into a formal document.

Struck By Incidents

These Resources report data on struck-by incidents during roadway responses and/or discuss factors present in struck-by and near miss incidents.

Technical Assistance

These Resources provide technical assistance to help organizations create, implement, evaluate, and evolve their roadway incident response and traffic incident management policies, programs, training, and culture.


These resources provide information and guidance on technologies that improve the safety of responders working roadway incidents, including vehicle conspicuity, PPE visibility, digital alerting, and connected vehicle systems.

Traffic Incident Management

The Resources listed here provide detail on the many aspects of how roadways are best managed in instances of traffic, accidents, and planned events. Some of these Resources include information on Traffic Incident Management (TIM) teams, which coordinate the policy and planning for roadway event/incident response at the leadership level. Please note that a module on The National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (


These Resources will support your training efforts by suggesting learning objectives, providing content, rendering technical assistance, and giving examples of other training implementations. Please note that multiple modules on various aspects of safe roadway operations are available on the Responder Safety Learning Network.

Vehicle Emergency Lighting and Markings

These Resources discuss high visibility markings on vehicles and apparatus deployed for traffic incident response, including police cruisers, fire trucks, command vehicles, ambulances, DOT vehicles, and tow trucks. A module on High Visibility Innovations is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network.

White Papers

White papers typically present background information to help you understand specific issues in traffic control and traffic incident management. Some white papers explain an organization’s or individual’s position on a particular issue and provide facts to support that position in a reasoned argument. Other white papers propose a solution to a problem and explain how that solution was devised.

Wildfire and WUI

These Resources involve management of moving vehicles, both on and off-road, and the safety of personnel in proximity to those vehicles in the wildfire and wildland-urban interface contexts. Please note that a module on Wildland Fires and Traffic Management is available on the Responder Safety Learning Network (

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