The long awaited Standard for Traffic Control Incident Management Professional Qualifications was issued in January 2015 by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This multi-disciplinary document includes Job Performance Requirements (JPR’s). It was written by and for roadway responders.
According to the NFPA “Roadway-related incidents constitute some of the greatest health and safety concerns for first responders. While police, fire, and other emergency personnel put their lives on the line during response operations, secondary incidents often occur due to the lack of traffic control incident management.”
“All-new NFPA 1091: Standard for Traffic Control Incident Management Professional Qualifications helps reduce the risks to response personnel and the public through proper traffic control training. NFPA 1091 promotes safer operations with: Minimum job performance requirements (JPRs) for Traffic Control Incident Management Personnel (TCIMP), to help Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) ensure personnel are adequately prepared to carry out the duties of the job.”
“Explanatory Material with additional resources for anyone who responds to roadway incidents -- including fire fighters, police officers, fire police, EMS personnel, department of public works personnel, towing and recovery personnel, and transportation industry personnel.”
“Across the country, personnel who respond to roadway incidents are subject to an increasing amount of dangerous situations due to distracted motorists. To help address this recognized problem and protect lives, this first edition of NFPA 1091 was developed with input from a Technical Committee of experts on the subject of traffic control incident management and highway safety. It's a critical resource for AHJs and anyone concerned with the health and safety of response personnel. “
“NFPA codes and standards are widely adopted because they are developed using an open, consensus-based process. All NFPA codes and standards are developed and periodically reviewed by approximately 7,000 volunteer committee members with a wide range of professional expertise.”
The CVVFA Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI) was an early proponent for the establishment of a “Pro Qual” Standard for roadway response. The ResponderSafety Learning NetworkTraining Modules reflect NFPA 1091's Job Performance Requirements (JPR's).
A number of CVVFA members participated in the NFPA Technical Committee that developed the standard. The Chair of NFPA 1091 is Steve Austin Project Manager of the CVVFA/ERSI.
Click here purchase or review NFPA 1091.