Moving Over Saves Lives and Leads to Fewer Names on the Wall of the Fallen
Despite all of the new Move Over laws that have been enacted there are still too many first responders losing their lives in the line of duty. The towing and recovery industry is no exception to these meaningless deaths that occur for a variety of reasons that include speed, drugs, alcohol, fatigue along with distracted drivers using smart phones and texting.
The Wall of the Fallen located at the International Towing and Recovery Museum in Chattanooga now includes over 350 names of towing professionals who have been victims of Struck-By Incidents. On September 10th, 2016 another set of names will be added. The yearly count usually averages around 40.
With towing and recovery professionals being the only private sector group of first responders, receiving accurate accounting of LODD’s has been a challenge. tracks these incidents but still obtaining accurate information is difficult. The number may be higher than reported.
As the towing museum works to compile more accurate statistics, we would appreciate information from other first responder groups that are aware of LODD incidents that involve towing professionals.
Lastly, like many of you we are working for the safety of all first responders. That includes increased education and awareness of “Move Over” laws along with advocating heightened enforcement and stiffer penalties for violators. Contact us should you wish more information on specific programs.
Angela Barnett is the Liaison to the Towing and Recovery Industry
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