Fire & EMS

Chief Marinucci is a Past President of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and served as Acting Chief Operating Officer of the U.S. Fire Administration while serving as Senior Advisor to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Director.
He has lectured across the United States and in Canada, Japan, and Europe. He currently is on the faculty for Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute National Fire Service Staff and Command course and Eastern Michigan University School of Staff and Command.
Chief Marinucci has authored the Fire Chief’s Guide to Administration and Management and is a regular columnist for Fire Engineering and Fire Apparatus magazines. He is the editor of the 7th Edition of the Fire Chief Handbook scheduled for release in the Spring of 2015.
He was the national program manager for the Everyone Goes Home program of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation from 2008 - 2011. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association.
Chief Marinucci served as Chairman of the first Commission of Professional Credentialing and was one of the first 15 Chief Fire Officers to be designated in 2000.He was awarded the Ronny Jack Coleman Leadership Legacy Award from the Center for Public Safety Excellence in 2013.
He has earned a Master of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University and Bachelor of Science degrees from Western Michigan University, Madonna University, and the University of Cincinnati.

Chief Anthony Correia is a 38 year member of the fire & emergency service. He progressed through the ranks in various emergency service leadership positions. Tony is the recently retired Director of the Burlington Township NJ Fire Dept. Previously he was Fire Chief in Warrensburg MO. He is also an active paramedic in Pennsylvania. He led a workgroup of Fire & EMS personnel in NJ to develop a collaborative Emergency Incident Rehabilitation guideline for NJ. He is active in many local, state and national organizations. Tony is an instructor in various emergency services areas. He has completed the Executive Fire Officer Program through the National Fire Academy and is a Certified Public Manager from the American Academy of Certified Public Managers.