These Resources are official reports related to traffic incident management issues that are published by agencies, departments and organizations representing a variety of emergency responder, traffic, transportation, and related disciplines.
2019 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2019
2019 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2019
Upload Date: 1/13/2020
2019 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Report
The Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI), a committee of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association (CVVFA), reports that vehicles struck and killed 44 emergency responders who were working various types of roadway incidents in 2019.
Upload Date: 1/13/2020
2020 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Spreadsheet
2020 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Spreadsheet
Upload Date: 12/7/2020
2020 Helmets and Head Protection Survey
In 2020, ERSI , conducted a nationwide survey of over 899 fire service and EMS personnel to gather their opinions regarding helmet use at roadway incidents.
Upload Date: 1/28/2021
2021 ERSI Struck-by-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2021
2021 ERSI Struck-by-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of December 31, 2021 (Year-End Totals)
Upload Date: 1/3/2022
2022 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2022
2022 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2022
Upload Date: 3/6/2023
2023 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2023
2023 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/31/2023
Upload Date: 1/2/2024
2024 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/30/2024
2024 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 12/30/2024
Upload Date: 12/30/2024
2025 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data
2025 ERSI Struck-By-Vehicle Fatality Incidents Data – as of 3/27/2025
Upload Date: 3/27/2025
Best Practices to Minimize Injuries and Deaths While Using a POV for Responses
To prevent injuries and deaths resulting from accidents involving POV responses.
Upload Date: 9/14/2015
Building Safer Highway Work Zones: Measures to Prevent Worker Injuries From Vehicles and Equipment
Through synthesis of current research on highway work zone safety with input from participants in a December 1998 workshop, this document offers measures that contractors, agencies, policymakers, manufacturers, law enforcement, and the research community can take to reduce occupational injuries in highway work zones.
Upload Date: 1/7/2013
Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association National Fire Police Summit- March 6 & 7, 1999
Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association National Fire Police Summit- March 6 & 7, 1999
Upload Date: 9/21/2020
Effects of Emergency Vehicle Lighting on Drivers
“Effects of Emergency Vehicle Lighting Characteristics on Driver Perception and Behavior: Study Report” is an ERSI report of human factors research in cooperation with RPI and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The study investigates the impact of lighting color, intensity, modulation, flash rate, and presence of retroreflective chevron markings on driver behavior while traversing a simulated traffic incident scene at night. Findings cover the effects of lamp intensity, lamp color, and retroreflective markings on the visibility of a simulated responder at a test incident scene. Whether these factors create a “moth to flame” effect was also examined. The report describes the experiment design, the tasks researchers completed, and the results observed.
Upload Date: 1/5/2022
Emergency Vehicle Visibility and Conspicuity Study
This report, produced in partnership between the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA), analyzes emergency vehicle visibility and conspicuity with an eye toward expanding efforts in these areas to improve vehicle and roadway operations safety for all emergency responders. Emphasis in this report is placed on passive visibility/conspicuity treatments. Key finidings include additional research on emergency vehicle visibility and conspicuity in the United States, with particular emphasis on the interaction between civilian drivers and emergency vehicles during responses and on incident scenes.
Upload Date: 12/27/2012
Evaluation of Chemical and Electric Flares
Following a brief literature review, this research project conducted a comparison of the different flares and related traffic control devices in order to identify and examine alternative highway flare systems utilizing chemical or electric sources of energy to determine their suitability and visibility.
Upload Date: 12/21/2012
Fire Apparatus Emergency Lighting Study Report
This report details the history of how the current fire apparatus lighting standards were developed, summarizes the last 20 years of research on emergency lighting, and has the results of a study done in May 2019 specifically addressing what changes should be made to fire apparatus lighting standards in response to the change to LED lighting.
Upload Date: 6/20/2019
Hardening Blocking Vehicles for Traffic Incidents and Planned Special Events
This report summarizes a workshop convened during the 2018 National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week on how to harden blocking vehicles to protect responders and the public.
Upload Date: 7/25/2024
Impacts of Emergency Vehicle Marking Color, Patterns and Retroreflectivity on Safety-Related Driver Responses: Study Report
This ERSI study reports the results of a field experiment to investigate the impacts of emergency vehicle marking color, retroreflectivity level and spatial patterns on drivers’ ability to see emergency responders working near their vehicles was carried out. The study also examined the impacts of a wearable flashing LED light.
Upload Date: 12/7/2023
Map of State Move Over Laws
This color-coded map indicates the U.S. states with Move Over laws. Courtesy of AAA.
Upload Date: 12/2/2010
National Census of Fatal Occupation Injuries in 2005
This report summarizes the data on fatal occupational injuries in the year 2005, covering all occupational groups. Fatal highway accidents were the most frequent type of fatal workplace event. Data is broken down in several ways, including by type of incident, by industry, by occupation, by demographics, and by State. Multiple full data tables are presented.
Upload Date: 12/21/2012
NIOSH Report as a LODD Investigation
Career Fire Fighter Dies When Backed Over While Spotting an Apparatus - New Jersey
Upload Date: 9/23/2013
On-Duty Deaths of Fire-Police Officers, 1991-2010
This report from the National Fire Protection Association summarizes the data for on-duty deaths of fire-police officers from 1991-2010, including demographic characteristics, nature of injury, and type of duty. Further detail on the specifics of some incidents is also presented.
Upload Date: 12/2/2011
Position of the Emergency Responder Safety Institute on the Use of Advance Warning Traffic Signs
This statement presents the position of the CVVFA Emergency Responder Safety Institute on the use of temporary traffic signs for advance warning at roadway incidents.
Upload Date: 6/7/2011
Protecting Emergency Responders from Moving Vehicles During Wildfire Responses (Project Report)
This Emergency Responder Safety Institute report summarizes research and subject matter expert input into how to develop a training approach that improves wildfire
Upload Date: 10/18/2024
Protecting Emergency Responders on the Highway: A Ten Year Review by the Emergency Responder Safety Institute
This document looks at the progress on implementing recommendations from “Protecting Emergency Responders on the Highways: A White Paper by the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association” in the ten years since the original summit convened and makes additional recommendations for the continuing effort to reduce the incidence of secondary incidents.
Upload Date: 3/27/2011
Protecting Emergency Responders on the Highways: A White Paper by the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association
This document presents recommendations from a highway responder summit (and subsequent panel review) chaired by the CVVFA that looked into the scope, causes, and potential solutions to the problem of secondary incidents at highway response scenes. The recommendations in this document fall under five major subject headings -- training, operations, human resources, public education, and legislation/regulation/research/standards.
Upload Date: 5/7/2008
State Slow Down, Move Over Laws Summary Chart
This chart summarizes the Slow Down, Move Over laws in U.S. states, with code citations and vehicle types covered by the statute. Compiled by AAA. As laws do change, please confirm any citation is current when you access it.
Upload Date: 3/24/2022
Study of Protecting Emergency Responders on the Highways and Operation of Emergency Vehicles
A Review of First Responder Agencies Who Have Adopted Emergency Lighting and Vehicle Conspicuity Technology. *A new draft and been issued on June 12, 2019 with two corrections on page 27.*
Upload Date: 6/12/2019
Task Analysis for Emergency Responders at Roadway Incidents
This report from the Emergency Responder Safety Institute details the findings of a panel convened to review typical functions performed by emergency responders at roadway incidents in an effort to develop a set of job performance requirements for the job functions critical to safe emergency operations at roadway incidents. This report discusses the process utilized, outlines the specific job performance requirements for critical positions assigned to emergency responders and provides guidance on the use of the requirements by potential users and training organizations.
Upload Date: 8/18/2009
The Past, Present, and Future of Responder Safety at Roadway Incidents
This paper summarizes the proceedings of a workshop convened by the Emergency Responder Safety Institute during the 2018 National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week to envision the future of roadway incident response safety and traffic incident management and as a Twenty Year Review of the original 1999 White Paper "Protecting Emergency Responders on the Highway".
Upload Date: 4/17/2019
Traffic Incident Management in the Wildland-Urban Interface Training Program
This zip file contains all training materials for the Emergency Responder Safety Institute’s Traffic Incident Management in the Wildland-Urban Interface Training Program.
Upload Date: 11/19/2024
Traffic Incident Management Systems
This report from the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) provides guidance to local-level fire departments on compliance with the Department of Transportation’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the National Fire Service Incident Management System Consortium’s (NFSIMSC’s) Model Procedures Guide for Highway Incidents. This document details incident case studies, describes equipment to improve highway safety, shows how to set up a safe traffic incident management area, explains incident command for highway incidents, and lists best practices and other sources of information on effective highway incident operations.
Upload Date: 5/31/2008